electroacoustic post jazz
Nat Cilia – saxophone, voice and objects
Daniel Maszkowicz – electronics & synthesis

INFLUUT is a duo from Switzerland playing a music best described as electroacoustic post-jazz. The essence of their sensitivities takes origin in two opposite yet complementary approaches that meet to explore instrumental harmonies and algorithmic synthesis. INFLUUT’s approach to composition leaves room for improvisation and electronically randomized sound events for building up a musical narrative that follows organic flows with a technological component. INFLUUT pursues a hybrid approach between live concerts and multi-channel sound installations, with a reputation that is slowly building up in Europe and Asia. Their source of inspiration is mainly driven, among others, by Bohren und der Klub of Gore, Carl Michael von Hausswolff and John Butcher.
INFLUUT’s creative work is initiated by a perpetual questioning about the world that comes after. What happens after apocalypse, war, pandemic or mass extinction? Machine encounters Nature in a strong yet subtle entanglement, achieving the renewal of natural fauna with electric bugs and mechanical automatons. A new cycle commence, like a vivid blow expanding the universe of possibilities. The duo invites for the unexpected, a voyage to be enjoyed by astral projection or on a flying carpet, experiencing various emotional states from still streams to explosive storms. Best serving live with quadriphonic surround soundsystem so the music can propagate in space for a truly immersive experience.
Sometimes, the Robert Turner Collective from Switzerland provides the visual backdrop to INFLUUT’s sonic landscapes, creating a unified and immersive experience of post-jazz sound and algorithmically manipulated images.
Their first ever composed piece ostĭum has been composed for The International Symposium on Spatial Sound Art in Seoul in 2019 and has been presented on a 24 channels sound system as a world premiere for INFLUUT.
Nat Cilia brings the breath with her saxophone and contact microphones. She combines complex rhythmic patterns with subtle melodic phrases ranging from slow doom jazz to free and spontaneous composition. With loops, delays and spatial effects, the pure saxophone voice is combined together with surrounding screeches and howlings.
Nat Cilia is a multidisciplinary artist. She participated as an actress, dancer, composer, and musician (piano, saxophone, voice) to various production, mainly in Switzerland, France and Spain, notably with the direction of Jean-Pierre Raffaelli, Roland Olbeter, Esterina Zarrillo and company La Fura dels Baus. She founded Ooops! Company, international company for corporal and visual theatre production alongside artist Kristina Orlovic with whom she created several productions ( She works now on her multidisciplinary creation INTUITO and electroacoustic jazz duo INFLUUT.
Daniel Maszkowicz brings together digital generators and synthesizers for multi-channel soundscapes. He merges brainwave frequencies with binaural effects, and low frequency beats with psychoacoustic synthesis, creating intense yet introspective atmospheres stimulating some auditory sensory meridian response.
Daniel Maszkowicz is engineering research scientist in power electronics, curator for independent cinema, multidisciplinary performing artist, composer and cultural event producer. He is co-founder of electroacoustic jazz duo INFLUUT, primitive analogue electronics duo Biblioteq Mdulair, and performance collective SM Noise. His solo projects make use of digital synthesizers for multi-channel soundscapes. Nowadays, he works on algorithmic sounds and installations, enjoys Data Sonifcation with Python and SuperCollider, all with an approach that brings together science and art.
I have a music meeting at the moment and I will be a bit of a duo if you wish to be a good time to time to time to time to time to time to time to time to time to time to time to time …
- January 31st 2023 Misterioso Jazz Club, Institute of Incoherent Cinematography, Zürich CH
INFLUUT plays Walter Ruttmann’s OPUS I-IV - June 2nd-25th 2022 Renaissance, Le Commun, Geneva CH
INFLUUT presents audiovisual multichannel installations Tāne’s Garden, Renaissance, 12-Tones’ Amanacer and NFT collections 12-Tones and 132-biTones - March 11th 2022 RöstiBrücke 2022 – Electroacoustic Cabaret, Kunstraum Walcheturm, Zürich CH
INFLUUT plays for translinguistic national exchange RöstiBrücke - December 2021 – INFLUUT chandelier Polska Tour 2021
Electroacoustic Post Jazz duo INFLUUT on Tour in Poland in two versions: INFLUUT live stereo and INFLUUT multichannel set with 16 channel immersive soundsystem based on small speakers. Kolonia Artystów, Gdańsk – U n i c o r n Klub Chmury, Warszawa – 19 Rzek, Łódź – Klub Mózg, Bydgoszcz – FORMA / FORMA – CK Zamek, Poznań - November 28th 2021 Daniel Maszkowicz & Nat Cilia @ Shiny Toys Festival, ringlokschuppen, Mülheim an der Ruhr DE
live show on multichannel installation featuring 20 channels soundsystem setup - November 14th 2021 ONO, Bern CH
live show - July 27th 2021 Hors Normes Festival, Le Pont CH
live performance in quadriphony - June 24th 2021 SHIMMERING Festival, Embassy of Foreign Artists, Geneva CH
live performance - June 20th 2021 ONLINE SHOW GUIA Fest!, Macau MO
remote live improv performance with algorithmic visual effects and musicians from Macau - June 19th 2021 Fête de la Musique, Le Zoo – L’Usine, Geneva CH
live performance with algorithmic visual effects - June 12th 2021 ONLINE SHOW Make Music HK!, Hong Kong HK
Filmed and Recorded show from Cave12, Geneva CH - May 27th-30th 2021 Ambiance Sonores, MAH – Musée d’Art et d’Histoire, Geneva CH
live performance on 16-channel sound installation - April 10th 2021 ONLINE SHOW Live strem from Soup Tokyo JP
Filmed and Recorded show from Cave12, Geneva CH, live data mosh by Yousuke Fuyama April 2021 -CANCELLED – INFLUUT ASIA TOUR 2021
post-jazz explosion and chandelier album release tour in Osaka, Kyoto, Nagoya, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Macau, Seoul
replaced by three ONLINE Events Live stream from Soup, Tokyo (JP) – 10th April 2021 Make Music Hong Kong! (HK) – 12th June 2021 Guia Fest! Macau (MO) – 20th June 2021- March 24th 2021, chandelier release – Live Radio Cave 12, Geneva CH
live radio performance - December 30th 2020 – ONLINE – INFLUUT with Robert Turner Collective, Kolonia Artystów, Gdańsk PL
live performance with algorithmic visual effects - July 13th 2020 – Secret Venue, Geneva CH
live performance - June 20th 2020 – Fête de la Musique – Pirate Party Secret Place, Genève CH
open air show introducing new composition Elevator Song April 4th 2020 – CANCELLED Hors Normes Festival, Le Pont CH
live performance in quadriphony- March 2020 – INFLUUT ostĭum release ASIA TOUR 2020
post-jazz explosion and album release tour inMacau,Hong Kong, Taipei, Hsinchu, Tainan, Kyoto, Osaka, Hiroshima, Nagoya, Omiya, Yokohama, Tokyo andSapporo - February 22nd 2020 – ostĭum release party, Urgence Disk, l’Usine, Geneva CH
Release show of INFLUUT’s first album ostĭum - February 16th 2020 – ostĭum pre-release party, Sinestesia, Barcelona ES
Release show of INFLUUT’s first album ostĭum - December 19th 2019 – INFLUUT plays the Sonic Tree – Forde – l’Usine, Geneva CH
live performance with spatialization on Sonic Tree – 16 channels sound installation by Daniel Maszkowicz - December 14th 2019 – Unko Demonia – l’Écurie, Geneva CH
with 2M2 (Mei Zhiyong, Maxime Hänsenberger), crève chien, dj’s Chaotic Behaviors & Nure Onna - December 10th 2019 – 2M2/INFLUUT/ADRIEN HIRSBRUNNER – Bad Bonn, Duedingen CH
From China to Switzerland. Electroacoustic & Experimental Noise Jazz - November 17th 2019 – The Kyiv International Biennial 2019 – Black Cloud, VCRC (Visual Culture Research Center), Kiev UA
Live showcase of original piece Black Cloud - September 7th 2019 – INFLUUT WORLD PREMIERE, International Symposium on Spatial Sound Arts, Platform-L Contemporary Art Center, Seoul KR
Live presentation of debut piece ostĭum with spatialization on a 24 channels soundsystem - September 1st 2019 – Spoutnik Open Air, l’Usine, Geneva CH
Public open-air reharseal before Seoul premiere